Andrew - Thank you and Dr Wood for being the true champions of 9/11 truth.

You have inspired countless people to get out of their comfort zones and pick up the fight in this new surge of people waking up to how they have been duped on so many subjects in this post CV-19 world and I truly hope that some accountability will come and somehow that what Dr Wood presented way back in 2007 will become the mainstream narrative for what happened on 9/11 instead of this dragged out disinformation campaign by the government approved counter narrative masquerading as the 9/11 truther movement.

You and Dr Wood are a true inspiration. Thank you!

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So many times the truth has to be dragged along the floor to reach its final destination. the pathway it often has to take is fraught with opposition which operates through so many various tangents and obfuscations. The day you are able to comprehend what actually happened on this day is the time in your life when EVERYTHING changes. My eternal thanks go out to Andrew and Dr Wood and everyone else who contributed to exposing this horrendous lie. Forever indebted to you all. Much respect.

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Thank y'all. There were numerous anomalies on that day and the dustification narrative is the only one that adds up. A destructive force with a strong power supply that can be used for more beneficial things.

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DUSTIFICATION. That rat who mocked her on this. Another vid

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Searching for these animals, the truth is a Holy endeavor. God bless you and Dr. Wood and others

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This will help you find some of the disinfo peddlers...

Andrew Johnson's two FREE E-Books on 9/11:

1. 9/11 Finding the Truth - http://www.checktheevidence.co.uk/pdf/9-11%20-%20Finding%20the%20Truth.pdf

2. 9/11 Holding the Truth - http://checktheevidencecom.ipage.com/checktheevidence.com/pdf/911%20Holding%20The%20Truth%20-Andrew%20Johnson%20-%202017.pdf

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TY so much. I want truth. I hear controlled opposition all the time in Covid crimes, and I answered m poor at figuring it out.

Btw if you want me to delete link to PDF I will just let me know.

Pictures better in have d copies

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Andrew Johnson and Richard D. Hall are to be congratulated for their part in getting the truth out about what happened on Sept 11 2001.

This was the first time I became aware of the tactic used by the organisers of these 'big-ticket' spectaculars to ensure the truth remained buried. They simply rolled out two 'explanations' of the catastrophe, one official for the masses, and another 'conspiracy theory' for the so-called 'truthers'. This tactic had me fooled until I came across Judy Woods' book.

Since then we can see how effectively this tactic can be used to 'muddy the waters' in relation to other events, like the JFK/Dallas 'assassination', covid-19, flat earth, etc.

We need to remember that those who plan these things are either very brainy themselves, or are directed by highly intelligent bosses. Secondly they had access to technology decades ago, centuries ago even, that is only now being unveiled as cutting edge or which may be still in the future.

These string-pullers are deadly serious and will not allow a plan conceived aeons ago to be fucked up by some unforeseen mistake now. That said, they appear to have made a balls of the covid project, or else they simply ran out of time, I'm not sure which. (Maybe both are true now that I think of it.) Either way millions of people smell a rat. So the string-pullers are in big trouble.

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I'm very late and new to this and would like to learn more. Can you recommend a source in USA for Dr. Wood's book ( besides Amazon)?

I'd like to download your free e-books but when I visit your original site it says it's unsecure; clicking on the certificate shows it's expired. I worry that if I proceed to those pdf links, I could be vulnerable to malware. I found the same with Dr. Wood's website (unsecure). I imagine you two are harassed regularly.

Looking at your other titles, I was delighted to see you have one exploring the electric universe model. I was introduced to this life-changing evidence late last year by reading the late Liam Scheff's book "Official Stories". So fascinating! Thunderbolts website has since become one of my regular sources.

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Somewhere on an otherworldly plane Osama bin Laden's ghost is holding up a copy of Dr Wood's WDTTG and pleading his defence to an invisible judge: " It wasn't me your honour! I wuz framed! " 😃

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