Andrew Johnson (ad.johnson@ntlworld….)
Dec 2024 / Jan 2025
This article documents some interaction I’ve had with a US veteran who claims to have worked for the US Internal Security Agency “ISA.” He decided to contact me as he felt I was a sincere and honest researcher. In face to face conversation I had with him, he said he has wanted to speak out for quite a few years because he “has done horrible things in the field,” but he wants to see a better future for children. He wants maybe to try and atone for what he has done. He said that he is a full-blooded native American. He explained that he is “angry because he’s done things he now regrets, because he was lied to.” He uses the pseudonym “The Ghost Scientist” (TGS).
The main thing that TGS wanted to tell me was – that there will be a series of catastrophic events leading up to 14 April 2029 when the final stage of a global operation will be launched – perhaps using a collision with Apophis – the NEO/Asteroid as a cover story. He also discussed how aliens are “farming” humans and they are orchestrating various operations (a few more details are below).
E-mail 1 – 30 Oct 2024
On 30th Oct 2024, I received the first of several emails from TGS. He said he’d decided to contact me following his viewing some of the videos I’d done with Richard D Hall. He had received a recommendation from a friend to explore the material that Richard and I had presented and discussed. The first email I received is reproduced below.
Roughly 5 years ago I gave this very information, I now deliver to you to Linda Howe whom it seems has used many of the 12 some hours of recordings I did with her over the course of twice in 2 years, it seems instead of her releasing this information to the general public which I was directly told by her she would do forthwith, she had other plans in mind by profiting from my now suffering at the hands of the VA mostly in secret.
For all intensive purpose I am known as TGS or TheGhostScientist as I have written and given testimony to organizations to include ATS (, GLP Godlikeproductions, LOP, Bill Ryan in 2007-2009 and many others throughout my time after leaving the ISA in 2004. I was recalled several times to active status throughout 2004 through 2014 off and on, only being released from recall status due to the beginning of my now seriously dire health issues I am now facing within the VA System.
If I were to cover what I am relaying to you in its entirety, this email would take several hundreds of pages of text therefore, I will keep this as brief as possible, if you wish to discuss this in more detail I am more than willing to provide you whatever time you wish as I am not sure how much time I truly have left in this world.
My career in the US Army began in 1989. Like many other troubled Native American youth I was a rough kid, horrible upbringing, lack of parents who gave a damn about my siblings and myself, we were what would be considered as hoodlums you could say. I ran away from home alot, spent time in and out of the foster care system, orphanages, and lastly in a Sheriffs Youth Program till the age of 16.
Upon turning 17 and going in front of the court, the judge along with one of the Sheriffs Program Directors George (who was an Ex Marine) gave me the option of going into military service instead of jail. I was inducted into Active US Army 11B at Ft. Benning, GA Harmony Church Center in the beginning of 1989.
During my basic training program, I excelled at being High Speed Low Drag and as a rather large and strongly built Native Kid that grew up in the Mountains of Montana just outside Glacier Park (Hungry Horse), I stood out like a sore thumb. Having grown up in the very deep mountains, our closest neighbor being some 7.5 miles away from our family compound, I spent a lot of time learning to hunt, fish, and track anything, through deep. deep woods, caves, dens, etc.
Due to this experience in my youth, my DI at the time who was Ex SFOD-D and later I learned through contacts also Ex ISA Group Lead, while not known to me at the time was speaking to certain Higher Ups to recruit me for what would be the better part of my entire life.
Knowing all that I know now, I was ripe for the pickings, no real family ties to speak of, no real ties to real society in any way, and no one would look for me if I were to just up and disappear.
I was given a very short briefing by an active team recruiter, psychological evaluation, and physical performance exam, and lots and lots of papers to sign my life away to the program I would remain a subject of up until 2014, though not of my own doing.
At first it was nothing out of the ordinary, nothing special to speak of outside of the very remote and secluded training facilities; that believe it or not were right out in the public, without the public having any clue at all who or what we were doing in deep wooded areas all over the world. For the first 2.5 years it was simply pack and unpack and train all over hell!
My Specialty, if you could call it that, was a Combat Tracker, though I would study in many more operational positions. It is the designation given by my MOS which was 18A after completing the now defunct US ARMY “Green to Gold” Program. After being sectioned to 1st E/co ISA, I did typical security intel operations in multiple countries over my first 3 or so years, again nothing out of the ordinary, mostly intel gathering and what we refer to as PPA or Personal Protection Agent for NGO personnel while they conducted their own work loads in field ops. Feb. 1993 would change everything about my way of military life to include what I came to understand about this world we live in.
Of course the World knows what operations we were involved in 1991 thru 1994 Desert Operations in Iraq, but, there was an obscure operation designation “Desert Recovery”. A small detachment unit straight leg infantry out of Ft. Cambell, KY 101st 3/327th B/co. This unit was on standard clearing detail just outside Baghdad. While clearing and securing equipment left out in the desert area unexploded ordnance, weapons crates, and what was considered to be biologicals, they stumbled onto a very deep underground cave system. One of their squad members chucked a grenade down the opening in fear that it was an underground bunker of some kind.
Their Squad CO. not allowing them to traverse this underground area called in a report to Central which was received by JSOC in transit. Our Unit was called in to be PPA for the intel team that would go down into this deep underground cave system. What follows was the first of several operations I was involved with over the course of the remainder of my Military Career and more than likely is the reason I am currently slowly dying from unknown causes. As unbelievable as this may seem, I once told William Cooper no one could create such events in their life unless they were one of the greatest unpublished Sci-Fi writers in history.
In the early hours of a sweltering summer day, our covert team and myself from the U.S. Army’s Intelligence Support Activity (ISA), specifically the 1st CAG E/co unit, was mobilized for an urgent operation. Intelligence reports had surfaced indicating that an underground cavern located in a remote area of the Baghdad desert, was located by B/co 3/327th INF; sparking a flurry of activity within the highest echelons of military command.
My ISA team, known for its precision and discretion, arrived at a designated staging area. JSOC Major Robert Adams (now US CIA Foreign handler), the team leader, briefed us “This is a recovery operation. We secure the site, recover any weaponry, technology, combatants, and maintain absolute secrecy. No one else can know what happened here.”
Inside the cave, I discovered (almost tripping over) what appeared to be a badly burned injured combatant, an alien being—slender and luminescent, with large, expressive eyes. It was unconscious, seemingly extremely hurt and in need of assistance. My team moved quickly, securing the area and beginning the recovery process.
As I worked on getting my team in security protocol positions, the tension in the air heightened. Major Adams coordinated with a nearby science team brought in for analysis. Dr. Elaine Martinez, an astrobiologist, stepped forward, her eyes widened with a mix of excitement, apprehension, and immense fear. “We need to stabilize it and prepare it safely for transport”
As I sat in the debriefing room, I felt a profound sense of loss. I had not only covered up an event; I had buried a potential bridge to another world. The choice to hide the truth gnawed at me, a reminder of the complexities of duty and morality at the same time; I felt the need and urgency that the world needs to know the truth .
Despite the silence surrounding the operation (along with several more over the course of my career),the memory of that encounter is solid and vivid to this day in my mind . I had touched the unknown, yet the world would continue unaware, caught in its routine, oblivious to the extraordinary truth that lay just beyond and below their understanding.
My now severe health issues began almost 6 years ago, and after countless VA and Mayo Clinic Specialists visits, testing, and more testing, I am slowly dying each day more and more with no hope in sight. I am not the only one either, out of some 185 unit operators all but 15 of us or so have all passed on. There has never been an explanation as to the cause of this mysterious illness taking us all to our graves, though I expect it is an unknown biological contaminant coming into direct contact with their blood (if you can call it that).
Even if this email does not get read till after my passing, I felt you of all people should know what took place so many years ago, maybe one day it will lead you to the bread crumb that unfolds real truth!
I wish you all the best in your continued endeavors, Continue the “Good Fight” . I can only hope that in the future there are more like you in this truly dark world of ours. In closing, I would like to leave you with this personal message, from me to you; “They Are not Alien, they do not come from out there, in reality they are not even truly beings or fully organic for that matter!” The Truth my fellow traveler is much, much stranger than fictions, and in the End all we can ever hope for is that we walked our Red Road in a “Good Way”
I replied to this email expressing some interest in his story and I included a few links, which I thought might be of interest to him, although I wasn’t sure what to make of what he told me.
Email 2 – 30 Oct 2024
On the 30th Oct, he replied with the following email. In it, he refers to Richard D Hall’s investigation/documentary that was called “UFOs and NATO : The Human Mutilation Cover Up.” The summary of this video is below:
The phenomenon of animal mutilation difficult to explain in conventional terms, and has been linked for decades with UFO’s, because strange lights are sometimes witnessed in proximity to sites where animal carcases are found. But have human beings suffered similar attacks? This film attempts to answer this very controversial question. Rumours about human mutilation have circulated the UFO community for years with some people claiming to have had contact with a military group which is used to acquire the corpses of victims of human mutilation. In the film we reveal the testimony of a black ops soldier, who was employed by a secret NATO “find and secure” military team. Their job is to search for and then protect sites where human mutilation has taken place.
TGS said that he contacted me because the Group 5/83 contact that Richard spoke to was telling the truth –he knew this because of what he mentioned about the protocol that was used during an incident. The email from “TGS” read:
About a month or so ago now, one of my ex field meds sent me a rather interesting link to a documentary from Richard Hall. In this documentary he was revealing through another 3 individuals one an ex G5/83 member, the other 2 were researchers. I would like to correct a few inaccuracies made by both Richard and this ex British G5/83 member below listed in no particular order.
Statement: “The US Military or Attachment of US Gov. is in charge of these S/C Secure Clearing Ops.
Correction: The Group Org. that is actually in charge is a Global Cabal Org. called “The 3 Hare Society” this organization has very deep roots throughout the world and funds and ties to almost every secret society whether NGO or World Gov. Its HQ within the US is out of the NRO with its strong arm tied to ISA. It is also the whispers in all of the ears of every alphabet soup agency world wide.
“What is being covered up is not the lifeforms themselves, (they could care less as this also helps the fear factor within the public) What is however being covered up are the hundreds of thousands of individuals who disappear every single year world wide. This truth is much darker than I believe anyone wishes to face and to speak of it, even within your own circles will raise unbelievable amounts of attention, unwanted I might add.
Most importantly: The fact is to cut to the chase: “We are food!, no different than cattle, sheep, chickens, goats etc… I explained in detail the reason for Cattle Mutilation cases worldwide in almost every species of animal on this planet. When I did, that is when Linda [Moulton Howe] cut ties as during our last phone interview a computer that she was using to record our conversation had a clicking sound turn on in the background and the computer recording system was shut off during our session. In her own words “In all my years interviewing individuals like yourself I have never had so much interference and outright sabotages to my interviews.”
In my email to him, I offered to do an interview with him. He replied:
To address your suggestion of an interview of your own, I am happy to help you in any way I can but, the only stipulation that I have is, I will remain a “GHOST” as I have for so many years, my family has gone through more than enough over the years, so much so, I will never put them through that ever again.
I mulled over the idea of doing an interview, as I wasn’t quite sure of the veracity of his story. However, the next day, I received a third email from “TGS.”
Email 3 – 01 Nov 2024
In this message, he included some complimentary remarks, along with the following text:
I have a close friend of mine that is a digital graphic artist professionally, I gave him a rough sketch description of what we were dealing with in many secluded locations around the world. This is as close as I have seen anyone come up with as far as accurately depicting what they truly look like.
I had a talk with Travis Walton roughly in 2016 one on one, over the phone through a mutual acquaintance, I described what I saw, I could see the fear in his eyes as I described this entity. I have spoken with several hundred supposed abductees, in my professional opinion Travis was only 1 of 2 real abductees I have personally interacted with.
Again let me cut to the chase, my overall motive in contacting you was to offer you my life’s story …
I replied that I didn’t want to invest time in writing a book, or spending too much time on his story (at this point, he hadn’t really sent me any compelling evidence – such as military service records, documents or clear photos – that his story was true). I decided to mention these emails in a YouTube “news update” video I’d just been making. He must have then watched this, as it prompted him to write to me again on the following day.
Email 4 – 02 Nov 2024
As I mentioned his messages in an unscripted video, I was perhaps a little “loose” in how I reported on what he wrote – and I described him as a “Black Ops” Whistleblower.
You state “Black Ops” (correction) Black Ops is a General Operation Sanctioned through Congressional Mandate, these operations are typically handled through JSOC Joint Special Operations Command. These types of operations are strictly Gov. funded and Controlled whether through Conventional means or NGO Heads.
The Ops that ISA is involved with is deemed working in “The Grey” though ISA funding is handled by DOD specifically US ARMY Command, ISA is however; its own External Entity with its own funding off the books, mostly funded through NRO Projects, or CIA Ops. ISA is not part of the conventional ARMY (though we are on US ARMY payroll), it is mostly off the books, most funding comes from CIA International Drug Trade for in field operations or through conjunction with NGO ties in operations.
Internal Command is very, very compartmentalized, outside our Security Task Force which is the primary task of ISA no single CO or for that matter NGO Ex. has the full picture of what is really the task or operation at any given OP.
We are a very specialized Unit, with very few Active Members recruited directly out of CAG, for this reason our teams see almost all of the operational compartments as we are the direct security detail in charge of keeping individuals out of harms way. Not unlike Secret Service but, much more highly trained in specific operational duties to include Bio, Weapons, EOD, Containment, Operational Construction, and Logistics.
Later emails
In these, he said that in 2002 he was in an ISA E/co Field Team “Gray Fox” Detachment Unit in Afghanistan, working with some Italians and SAS Group Members. He included a photo, but all faces were pixelated and the image was low resolution and not much useful information could be determined from the image.
He explained that he had previously spoken to Bill Ryan (formerly of Project Camelot and now running Project Avalon) in the period 2007-2009. TGS said that when he was on clandestine operations in Perth, an SAS guy recommended Bill Ryan to him.
He spoke to Ryan about the “release of the C3N4 Anglo-Saxon Mission Program. This detailed information came from a Conference I attended in London as PPA for Col. Robert Adams US Army ISA CO.” Ryan reported on the details in a YouTube video posted on 05 May 2010. TGS does not appear in this video, nor is his voice heard. Ryan recounts what he was told on this page:…
Whilst the video/TGS’s report contains some elements that seem to have come true (e.g. the discussion of a global “pandemic” and the fact that the “pandemic” would start in China), some of the dates are clearly incorrect. Of course, the pandemic wasn’t real – certainly not in terms of it being caused by a weaponised virus. (In the UK, there was no pandemic – see section 5.9 of the linked PDF.)
Follow Up
Following our email exchange, I agreed to talk to TGS via a “Discord” video call on 05 Nov 2024. TGS appeared to be in his late 50s and he had no problem talking about his experiences for about 2 hours. He was in a well-lit room, using a set up which any serious online gamer or podcast/video streaming host might have. (For example, there were some sound dampening foam tiles on the wall behind him).
I did not record the conversation, but just typed notes as he talked. He jumped around a lot, and some details were not clear, so what follows in the next section is the best I could piece together from what he said in the time we talked.
Since we spoke on video, he decided to post his own video (approx 23 minutes), with his face mostly covered. This seemed to be motivated by the spate of mass “drone” sightings that were taking place from about Sept 2024, increasing in frequency in the following months. The drone sightings seemed most common in New Jersey in the USA and around various military bases. TGS posted a further video about the drone sightings, relating them to something called the “UN AROS Programme.” He suggested that some of the drones were “deploying a gaseous material into the air.”
More on TGS’ Story
In our discussion/interview, the information he gave me was very disjointed and I’ve spent considerable time editing my notes to make it more readable and coherent. I noted he mentioned the Mormons quite a few times. Some of the information below is just a repeat of what he said in the emails, above, with a few additional details in some places, so I include it all here for completeness.
TGS stated that in 1993, he was stationed in Iraq. He was a lieutenant in the SFODD (delta force). He was in “Echo company,” fifth group – which was a scout team.
They were investigating tanks buried in the desert. Apparently, some of these were firing on the troops. Ultimately, they had to clear out the sands around the tanks. In the process of this work, they found a rock hole that they thought would be a bunker. Before he got there, someone threw a grenade down this hole. The grenade had triggered secondary explosions and so his task was to go down and see what was there, and what then needed to be done.
He had to stop and set up a checkpoint as he went down. This was when he found a short “orangutan-like” being – apparently burned and injured in the explosions. Initially, he tripped over it. Unusually, there was no blood from it. There were flecks of metal covering the sand. This didn’t seem to make sense to him. He saw the being had 3 very long fingers and a small thumb in the middle of the wrist. It was almost like it had pincers. The creature was 4 foot high and had thin arms. It had an exoskeleton and reminded him of “a fresh water lobster with the shell off.”
(He thinks it’s the fact that he was exposed to bodily fluid of the automatons that has caused his health problems. Doctors are claiming his health problems are caused by exposure to Uranium Yellow Cake or heavy metal toxicity.)
In front of him, there was a long tunnel cut out of rock and he walked down a long sandstone ramp and the tunnel opened into a huge cavern.
At this point, he called his superior over the radio while underground to ask what should be done. His superior was Major Robert Adams. TGS was worried he was going to be killed because of what he saw. It was then that Major Adams advised him of the seriousness of the situation and said something along the lines “OK, well we can ‘send your Mum a letter’ or you can be sheep-dipped.” This meant that he was told he would have to be “erased” and then be inducted into a secret organization. This later meant he would enter service with the ISA.
In later years, he learned that the being would be stiffened when electrical current flowed through the fluid in its body. The being could take energy from the ether (he mentioned the phrase “intelligent lightning”). It was like a “bio-automaton.” He said that some form of consciousness is hosted in the being and that this is specific to each being and this consciousness can dissociate from the body. The beings are not completely powered from the ether, though – they need to take Ambrosia as their fuel or food.
The ISA – Internal Security Agency
Following his experience, he was inducted into ISA – Internal Security Agency for the USA. It’s an overarching group – but its role is carried out mainly through the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). He said that the US military itself has “no secret organisation”, so the ISA work as a sort of consultancy in the military.
He gave an example of where ISA was working in Afghanistan supervising “Opsec” (Operational Security) – he and his group were working as consultants to groups like the SAS (Special Air Service). They were setting up the “security of assets.” The military need to be able to move equipment and supplies around covertly and so this is the sort of work they get involved in – helping them to organise operations securely.
He said he works outside the compartments that others are in. He said his group would “see it all.”
Up until 2002 – he didn’t talk to anyone about his work. However, he had developed some serious health problems, but it’s not clear what is wrong with him. He can’t disclose anything about the work he’s been doing, so he can’t give information to the doctors about the environments he’s been exposed to or what he’s been exposed to.
He is currently receiving VA benefits but the secrecy of his work means he hasn’t received the care he’s entitled to as they claim he can’t prove what service he worked for. However, he can prove that between 1991 and 2014 that he was listed on “MAC” (military transport) flights – even though he has a redacted military record. However, it took 10 years to get the information about these flights to help him prove he did serve.
TGS explained that they’ve tried to claim his illness is genetic, not from e.g. radiation exposure. He explained that under certain conditions, his blood turns to jelly! He has been given a high dose of heparin. He explained that in 2019, he had an artery taken out and then reinserted – but the surgeon had never seen anything like it. At that time, someone called “Arakia” was the director of surgery.
He currently lives in a secure facility and is “not allowed to circulate in public” though – but he is allowed internet access.
Due to his past work and the risk that he would leak secrets, he stated, that in 2000, he was shot, stabbed 5 times, bagged and left in a corn field. He survived and literally crawled to a farm. Following this, he couldn’t find people to trust. It seemed that all the people he spoke to were “attached to the DoD.”
He said that as part of his ISA work, he was “on a rating system”. At some point, he was given “other-than clearance” which is recognised by the DoD. He said that there’s no such thing as crypto (or similar) clearance. He said that when given “other-than” clearance, one is given a badge – and this is directly related to the facility you work in.
Following his recovery, later in 2000, he ended up talking to William Milton Cooper (he called him “Milton”. A chap called Don put him onto Cooper). TGS attended Cooper’s talk in Syracuse, New York. He met Cooper due to him doing work for Mormon groups. TGS told Cooper he was (inadvertently) putting out disinformation. He gave Cooper info for about 18 months.
TGS stated that Cooper was writing a book in which he would “recant” his earlier statements on various matters. (TGS did not go into details). In Nov 2001, Cooper was shot in his front yard in a police shootout. When Cooper was shot, TGS went “under the radar.” For a time, he lived in a Mormon safe house.
TGS explained that he appeared on Art Bell’s “Coast to Coast” programme more than once between 2007 and 2008. (Though I searched in the archive, I was unable to find his broadcasts as he did not give exact dates or enough details to use as keywords). TGS stated that on one occasion, the broadcast was shut off – either due the a power cut, or the satellite link being broken.
As mentioned above, he’s posted on the “Above Top Secret” (ATS) forum, but TGS said he soon realised it was a controlled outlet.
TGS also said that he met Hunter S Thompson (was he FBI?) and he spoke to Linda Moulton Howe quite a few times, but she sat on the information he gave her. Up until 2018, he had assumed Howe was sincere. He said that by the middle of 2018 he didn’t really worry as much about his safety – he was harassed much less frequently than he had been.
TGS said his motivation is that he thinks people need the information he has “to survive what’s coming.”
The reason the information is so secret is that each researcher has 1 piece of the puzzle and no one assembles the puzzle..
TGS explained that there is a Castle in Dansville (I assume it is the one in New York, but this is not confirmed) where there is a big parking lot with a guard shed. Inside, there is an elevator down to the next secured floor and then there are a further 38 underground floors… He said that there are “underground railways and tunnels all over.”
He said he was involved in operation Grey Fox in Afghanistan, another name he mentioned was “Speedy Rabbit.” He said they sometimes purposefully make the names of operations sound ridiculous.
He stated he had worked in 58 countries between 1991 and 2014. TGS said that back in 1994, he was involved in a security operation for John Hutchison – this was when John Hutchison was given money by Duracell (for research).
He stated he has been to the bunker at Dulce where there are 5 different storage sections and a basic lab. He described the base in some detail – and stated it had a “B-rated clean room.” He said he also went to the Tonopah Test Range and that this has a nickname of “the pony ranch”.
He said that the Collins, Williams, Rauschers (in Naples) are the Elite families – the “heads of the hydra.” He said that they will “follow through with their plans” and they have been told by their superiors they must do this by a certain date – 14 April 2029.
He said that the “white rabbit” is their symbol of a secret society. He also mentioned the “3 Hare Society” – he said he learned of this from an early 1800s coin he was shown, found or given. Though I could find no information on the 3 Hare Society, I did find some information about the 3 hares symbol. The page linked notes “The symbol appears in sacred sites from the Middle and Far East, to the churches of Devon, UK (known locally as ‘Tinners’ Rabbits’)”
TGS agrees that the Tavistock Institute is involved in much “predictive programming.”
The Entities and Their Plan – Abductions, Mutilations and a “food source”
He stated that a false disclosure about aliens or entities is coming. He said the aliens/entities aren’t from outer space. They are “from here” – and have been here for millions of years. They live underground. He stated that Phil Schneider was correct about the entities being underground (I don’t give Schneider’s stories much credence – please see the relevant chapter in my “Acknowledged” book.)
He said the entities are farming the human population and that “you are the product.” They don’t care about us. The human mutilations and abductions are done to “sample the population” to “check the state of their food source.”
He said that C3N4 is the compound that is used to help make a slurry out of the human material. He said that this substance is being deliberately introduced into the environment and that it is “passable from human to human”). I am not sure if TGS thinks C3N4 is Graphitic Carbon Nitride. (Some might allude links to “graphene” which was allegedly found in the form of Graphene Oxide in COVID vaccine doses.)
He stated that human bodies – such as those of missing people – are turned into a liquid food. He stated that “chemtrails” contain a substance that would make humans more of an acceptable food source for the entities. (This, of course, sounds similar to the plot of Soylent Green.) They don’t want the public to learn about this because, of course, they would be terrified – and that would affect the quality of their food supply.
He implied that he has been involved in or has knowledge of human abduction and/or mutilation operations. He claimed that he has held the mutilation technology in his hand – in the form of a super-heated obsidian glass scalpel. He said that organs are removed from animals or people so as “to sample the condition of the food source.”
He claimed that much Child trafficking is done underground in sealed cannister loads and he’s personally watched people “being put into devices” (to convert them to food).
More on the Entities
He explained that there are “2 warring factions of entities/beings” – one faction is, according to some reports, trying to save us (he does not believe these reports.) The other group comes out every 12000 years and tries to “cull us all.” He said that these beings have the ability to morph into what you are afraid of – they take an image from your subconscious mind. They feed off this fear. He said that he has been in combat with those entities – they are tall and skinny in their natural form. They are like locusts and have an extreme form of hibernation – from which they awaken every 3865 years.
He explained that you need to “go back before Sumer” and understand the Lilitu – who created a patriarchy to replace the existing matriarchy of those times. (Perhaps this has something to do with the Lilitu Demon?)
He claimed that the US went into Iraq to get the technology from under the desert. He also said that they found the body of Osiris (the Egyptian deity figure) in a cryo cask unit – it/he was in stasis – though dehydrated.
Travis Walton Case
TGS claimed that the Travis Walton case involved the use of a Virtual Reality simulation. He explained that Travis was probably put into a hallucinogenic state using ultraviolet light. VR helmet was used for Sensory deprivation and also to then introduce visual and audio cues. He said that the Travis case is little different than the others really. TGS said he had once spoken to Travis who expressed uncertainty about what he saw. TGS claimed that the description of the craft Travis saw actually came from his buddies in the truck (but this is not really true.)
I am not really sure what to make of what TGS told me – whilst there are some things he said that seem to tie up with what I’ve heard before – for example, that some “aliens” are actually beings that have lived on earth for a very long time, most of the rest of the information is difficult to corroborate and seemingly quite separate or weakly linked with topics I have written about in my previous articles and books etc on www.checktheevidence…. Perhaps there is some truth in what he says – but some misleading information too. Feel free to contact me with your informed/considered opinion – or further evidence to refute or confirm any points discussed here!
Sounds like a bunch of bs
Very interesting setup he has there with the foam tiles. Gamers usually don't have that. It's usually a streamer thing. Also gamers don't need a nice mic on an arm. What's the purpose of that setup? But maybe he's just a serious gamer that really wants great audio quality, who knows?
Anyway, his story sounds fake, with the stabbing and all. Why wouldn't they just kill him after they 'failed' that time?